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Automation in CS eGuide: how to make your customer journey smoother

August 9, 2024
Automation in CS eGuide

Automation in CS eGuide

Discover key automation strategies you can leverage today in our pdf guide.

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Summary points:


If you’re a keen student of the world of customer success, you’ll have seen all sorts of changes come into play over the years.

However, in the same way that customer success is constantly evolving, at the same time, some things never change.

The one thing that’ll never change in customer success? The need for CSMs to be hyper-efficient.

As your business scales, managing an ever-growing list of customer accounts becomes increasingly complex.

The manual processes that you used to use when you had a handful of customers will ultimately become useless as your customer base expands.

Supporting this growth is where automation comes into play. It serves as the ‘secret sauce’ behind creating a smooth and seamless customer journey every time. But what is automation?

What is automation anyway?

Automation enables you to control software to take care of repetitive tasks on your behalf. These tasks can be completed at scale by automation software, and can be ‘triggered’ to start based on the specific actions of your customers.

Get automation wrong, and you’ll end up with a robotic and impersonal customer experience that alienates your customers.

On the other hand, if you get automation right, you stand to save significant time and resources, as well as create a superior experience for your customers.

However, by using the right tools (such as CSP technology) to support you with your customer journey automation initiatives, it doesn’t have to be difficult. By doing so, you can expect to benefit from a number of outcomes, such as;

✅Seamless onboarding processes
✅ Automated communication and notifications
✅ Instant data collection and analysis
Customer segmentation done on autopilot
✅ Instant reporting, delivered automatically

This is in stark contrast to the current way of doing things, though. Without leveraging automation to make your customer journey smoother, you and your CSMs are probably facing an avalanche of time-sapping, morale-draining issues, like;

❌ Human-driven onboarding processes
❌ Sending individual customer emails
❌ In-depth manual data analysis
❌ Difficulty in segmenting customers and treating them all the same
❌ Sinking hours into hand-collated reports

To combat these issues and enjoy the benefits that an automated customer journey can bring, you should take the time to consider how a customer success platform (CSP) – such as Custify – can help you implement a layer of automation and ultimately improve your entire customer journey.

Introducing our latest eBook

Navigating and then improving your entire customer journey is a big topic. So to help you, we’ve prepared a series of mini eGuide that break down some of the individual challenges you’ll face along the way and go on to detail how CSP technology can help you overcome them.

Our guide to automating customer journeys is the latest eBook in a series that also includes:

  1. Transforming internal handoffs to make them smooth every time
  2. Streamlining QBRs and creating reviews that add value to your customers
  3. Improving customer communications to boost satisfaction and retention
  4. Creating high-quality personalized experiences your customers will love
  5. Leveraging data to take your customer journey to the next level
  6. Using smart automation to make your CSMs more efficient

As well as this, we’ve written a full-length eBook that goes into more detail on all 6 topics to give a total view of all the issues and solutions across your customer journey.

Regardless of whether you choose either our full-length eBook or download some of our mini eGuides, they’re all 100% free and written specifically to give you key insights and strategies to improve CX across your customer journey and make your team more efficient by using CSP technology.

Who is this eBook for?

  • If you’re a CS leader who wants to overhaul how their team communicates with customers making them more efficient, this book is definitely for you.
  • If you’re a CSM who wants to use automation to save time and help you better serve customers, this book is absolutely for you.
  • If you’re a C-suite executive or business leader looking to explore ways to maximize productivity across your organization, this book is 100% for you.

But don’t be put off if you don’t fall neatly into one of those categories. We’ve written our eBooks to be accessible to everyone, even if you’re still ‘learning the ropes’ of customer success.

So, regardless of what stage you’re at, you’ll get a lot out of reading our mini-guide to making smoother customer journeys with automation.


What can you expect from our eGuide to automation?

Here at Custify, we’ve devised this mini-guide to ensure that by the time you’ve finished reading it, you’ll be clear on exactly how you can leverage CSP technology to reap the rewards of an automated customer journey.

As soon as you open up the eBook, you’ll quickly discover 4 key benefits of using automation in customer success.

These include:

Scalability – making sure you and your CS team are able to serve more customers without fear of burnout or service bottlenecks due to resource constraints.

Consistency – giving you the opportunity to create a repeatable approach without reinventing the wheel each time, ensuring that the service you offer is of the same high quality every single time.

Time-saving – put automation to work for you and your team. Leveraging automation allows you to reduce the time spent on repetitive or manual tasks – and focus on higher-value tasks instead.

Personalization – we’ve talked before about the power of personalized experiences and their impact on adoption, retention, and growth. By using automation, you can personalize your service more easily than ever at the touch of a button.

Our customer journey automation mini-guide then helps you take advantage of these benefits by identifying solutions you can implement by using a customer success platform to do the ‘heavy lifting’ for you.

The biggest upshot of all this added automation, though, is that your CSMs will shave off hours of ‘busy work’ each week -freeing them up to focus on ‘moving the needle’ for their customers instead.

Get Expert Perspectives

This eGuide on customer success automation has been written as one part of a series purposefully crafted for Customer Success professionals. But don’t just take our word for it, we’ve also included expert insights from fellow CS pros and influencers, including:

We’ve done this so that between the expert insights we’ve uncovered and the in-depth information we’ve added to this ‘automation’ mini-guide, you and your team will be armed with everything you need to roll out a whole new level of time-saving automation.

Why you should download our eBook

These days, CSMs aren’t just ‘churn busters’ – they’re responsible for everything from product adoption to customer retention and even revenue expansion.

However, there are only so many hours in a day, and the risk is that without proper systems and processes in place, CSMs won’t be able to meet all their objectives.

This will result in burned-out and underperforming CSMs, higher than-forecast levels of churn, and significant reductions in growth through expansion revenue.

It doesn’t have to be this way, though.

Our eGuide on customer success automation – the latest in a 6-part series that covers the entire customer journey – gives you everything you need to radically improve the situation both for your CSMs and your customers.

You’ll also get a step by step guide on how you can use a CSP like Custify – one of Europe’s leading customer success platforms – to overhaul customer communication, improve customer satisfaction, expand revenue, and reduce customer churn.

So, what are you waiting for? Download your copy of “Leveraging Automation for a Smoother Customer Journey” now:

Philipp Wolf

Written by Philipp Wolf

As the CEO of Custify, Philipp Wolf helps SaaS businesses deliver great results for customers. After seeing companies spend big money with no systematic approach to customer success, Philipp knew something had to change. He founded Custify to provide a tool that lets agents spend time with clients—instead of organizing CRM data.

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